November 17, 2019 3 Comments

Whether you're a Hairstylist, Beauty Therapist or in the service industry, there are certain seasons of the year that everyone wants to look or feel beautiful, but you only have two hands!

I'm sharing with you my guide to THRIVING through these busy times.




Before you even hit these busy times, you'll need to set up your calendar. This blocking out of time may have you wondering why, but believe me, this could possibly be your most important step!

The first blocking out of time you should be doing is your self care time.

Get clear on when you need to replenish your energy, have some downtime and maybe need some total friends or family time.

This blocking out of YOUR time will help you to keep the pace and intensity of all the busy times that are thrown at you.

You can use Google Calendar or your appointment booking software, or both.

Maybe you sync with the cycle of the Moon or possibly your own menstrual cycle, but don't for a second think you are Wonder Woman, even Wonder Woman needs down time, OK?



I like to call my to do list my brain dumping list. Whatever you think of that is a task and needs you to be reminded to do, dump it down.

This allows for your brain to be empty, and not constantly filing away things that it needs to remember. 

This will free you up to be ready for whatever is thrown at you, and you'll be able to be super creative too.

You can simply use your Google Calendar, a diary or an App. My personal favourite is Asana, and I sync it to my Google Calendar.


This step has been a game changer for my whole household, my household budget and then my business life.

Each Sunday I clean out the fridge and write a shopping list from that, and then do my weekly shop. 

I make sure I unpack everything. I place the veggies into their separate reusable fridge bags, and even chop and prep them if required. My reusable bags have handles, so it's easy for the whole family to lift up and see what is in them. The easier and more organised your fridge is, the more everyone will eat the good food out of it and save you time and money.

Also make sure you have some good quality snacks that will keep your energy high. An easy snack I like to have on hand is frying in a pan walnuts, pepitas and a splash of Tamari sauce, then store them in an airtight container. 


If food is not easy accessible, you are more likely to grab junk food, especially in busy times. At these busy times you more than ever need healthy food to keep you fuelled and your energy high.


Your family are not mind readers and although we do so much, don't be afraid to communicate to your other half and family members that you are entering a busy time.

Cooking dinner, picking up children or throwing a load of washing on for you can be a huge help and just lighten your load when your work load is full.

Maybe share your calendar or to do list so everyone is on the same page!


I never knew how important a morning routine was until I implemented one!

Yes, you may have to get up earlier than you are used to, but when you start the day out right the way you want to, it definitely changes the way your day unfolds.

Personally, I love walking or jogging in nature to start the day. But you could be choosing to start with yoga, affirmations, card pulling, meditating, journalling, bike riding, swimming, or a mixture of all!

Do whatever makes you feel good, but the secret is to make it a habit. If you do miss a morning, please don't feel guilty, as you should be listening to what your body needs too. As long as you do it more times through the week than not, then you will notice a change to your whole week.


I love stepping into my work space early so I can set the scene for the day.

I always give a once over cleanse and clean of my space, and choose an essential oil or blend to poop in my diffuser to lift the vibration of the space and anchor into any emotions or feelings I'd like to promote.

You also may like to just sit and enjoy a tea, cacao or a coffee and visualise how you would like to see your day pan out. Maybe looking over your appointments for the day and setting intentions for how you would like them to unfold.

A big love of mine is the right music to not distract, but to just create an ambience of my space.

You spend a lot of time in there, so make it a space you love to be in.


Throughout your day, if you have the opportunity to take time out, sit and do not feel guilty about it!

Even ten minutes between clients or while a colour is processing, take that time out and rest.

And that lunch break, SIT DOWN while you eat!


Hydration is so important, and surprisingly will keep you alert and on your game through busy times, and this does not mean caffeine!

I use a filter jug to keep track of my water consumption, or maybe a large water bottle could do the trick.

Keeping well hydrated will flush the toxins out of your body while keeping you oxygenated and feeling good.

Yes, you will need to go to the toilet through the day, but a good brisk walk to and from the toilet is good for you as you've been doing a lot of standing throughout the day.


They are called busy times as everyone wants to look or feel good all at the same time, and you've only got two hands!

So, how do you stop falling in a heap and burning out when the busy season is over?

Setting healthy boundaries of course!

This can come in a number of ways, for example;

  • having your times of working already set in your calendar, along with your calendar blocking, and sticking to it!
  • having a reminder text message sent to your clients to remind them of their appointments - to eliminate no shows.
  • having a cancellation policy in place to protect your precious time, plus to give you time to place someone else in that appointment slot who is waiting.
  • having a waitlist in place, first in first served, so if a cancellation does come in, you are able to fill that spot. 
  • not 'squeezing' clients in or 'feeling bad' you can't fit someone in. Remember, it is your health that will be impacted if you work too hard. Letting them know you have a waitlist allows the client to understand that they need to be more organised in the future, and that you will fit them in if an appointment becomes available.
  • saying no to the client who wants a complete colour change and is not booked in for that. You know that it will throw your whole day out, have you working later, and put a lot of pressure on you, especially if something doesn't go to plan. Remind your client of what they are booked in for, what you have time for, and what you can book in for them next time.

Remember, you are in charge and it's your time. Setting healthy boundaries kindly provides everyone with clear boundaries and no blurred lines. And you are no good to anyone getting to Christmas Day completely burnt out and sick for the rest of the holidays!


Just like your morning routine, your evening ritual can be anything that makes you wind down and feel relaxed.

It could be taking a bath with oils and candles, or a simple shower visualising you are washing the day away. Maybe your partner or child could give you a massage or a foot rub, or you may like to listen to music, meditate or read a book.

Whatever it is, calendar block it out, or if needed set yourself a reminder (I do!) and concentrate on winding down, releasing any heavy energy that has been shared with you, and relax.


Your sleep is one of your most important assets to getting through a busy season, so honour it.

Set yourself a reminder in your phone that it's time for bed, making sure that you are at least going to get 8hrs of quality sleep. 

Set your sleeping space to relax mode. 

Every night I choose from my 'relaxing' essential oils to pop in my diffuser that is on my bed side table. You may like the help of a sleeping meditation or some soft music to guide you to sleep.

You don't need to be waking up thinking of the things you have to do as you've brain dumped them into your to do list, and your calendar/appointment book is organised. Your alarm will go off in the morning and you'll be excited to start YOUR morning routine, eat your breakfast from your organised fridge/pantry, and all your clients will have been reminded of their appointments, or your waitlist is there, and you can head into your work day with confidence and energy.


 I have created a downloadable PDF planner for you to tick off tasks in this guide.



3 Responses


October 05, 2020



December 31, 2019


Anneli King
Anneli King

December 31, 2019

Thankyou for caring and sharing

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